
LabStats API is designed to be a simple way to get to the data you need in LabStats. It takes away all of the hard work of interacting with the API, handling authentication, and working with pages.

Getting started

To use LabStats API, we’ll start by instantiating a LabStats object:

from os import environ
from labstats_api import LabStats

labstats = LabStats(api_url, api_key)

api_url is your LabStats URL, such as, and api_key is your API token. You can create one in “Admin -> External Systems” in LabStats.

Now that we have the LabStats object, we can make calls as specified on the page The LabStats object. For example:

apps = labstats.get_apps()

for app in apps:

>>> 'Microsoft Word'
>>> 'Microsoft Excel'

You can pass arbitrary parameters to any method as keyword arguments and they will be added to your query. For more information, see Keyword arguments.

Working with LabStats Objects

Whenever you create a query with LabStats API, you will receive either a single object which is a subclass of LabStatsObject or an AfterIDPaginatedList which contains LabStatsObject’s. This makes accessing data easy.


LabStats API converts JSON objects from the LabStats REST API into Python objects. This means that you can access the data of an object without hassling with json.loads() or object["attribute"].

For example, Applications in the REST API have a vendor attribute. So, once we have an Application, we can access this attribute:

>>> Microsoft Corporation

We’ve attempted to document all of these attributes in API Reference, but the REST API may change without notice. In this case, you can simply use the new attribute with no changes to LabStats API. For example, if a new color attribute was added to Applications, Application.color would instantly be available to your code.


The labstats.paginated_list.AfterIDPaginatedList is an abstraction of the LabStats REST API’s approach to serving multiple pages of results. When it runs out of locally loaded results, it will load more with another request to the API. For most purposes, you can treat it as a regular list:

apps = labstats.get_apps()

>>> 'Microsoft Word'


>>> 'Microsoft Excel'

The list may also be sliced:

slice = apps[0:10]
for app in slice:

>>> Microsoft Word
>>> Microsoft Excel
>>> Microsoft PowerPoint
>>> Microsoft Outlook
>>> Microsoft Publisher
>>> Microsoft Internet Explorer
>>> Mozilla Firefox
>>> Google Chrome
>>> Notepad++
>>> Notepad

Keyword arguments

Almost all calls to LabStats API create a query to the LabStats REST API. These queries can take a number of parameters which are specified in the LabStats REST API documentation. In every case, we have attempted to document these parameters in the API Reference, but the REST API is subject to change with no (or little) notice. If you see a parameter that you want to add to your query but you don’t see it in the API reference, you can add it as an arbitrary keyword argument.

For example, suppose that LabStats added a color parameter to the /apps endpoint. You notice this on the LabStats REST API Documentation and would like to filter your searches to applications which are blue. To do this:



These are interesting or potentially surprising things you may encounter while using LabStats API.


Many API calls have a limit parameter which sets the number of items to request per page returned. We’ve tried to stick with the default values set by LabStats when dealing with these values, but you may want to tune them.

If you will only ever use a few items of a query, it does not make sense to ask your LabStats instance for more. You’ll slightly reduce your bandwidth and memory requirements by setting a lower value for the limit and staying under that value when using the resulting list. If you go over your limit in the resulting list, you’ll end up making a new request to the REST API which will take a small amount of time.

For example, setting a limit of 25 and using items 0-24 of the resulting list is optimal. A request for item 25 will cause the list to load more items. Requesting a very high item, such as item 300, will cause the list to load multiple pages in an attempt to get to your requested item. In this case it is better to set a higher limit (or try to filter using other parameters in the query so you don’t need to request so many items).

Results do not update automatically

If you request an item using LabStats API then change the item’s data in LabStats, this change will not be reflected in your local object. You will need to run your original query again to get updated data. Luckily, most calls in LabStats API accept either an integer ID or the same objects that they return as parameters to get new data. For example:

app = labstats.get_app(1000)

>>> Microsoft Word

# Change a few things using the LabStats UI...

>>> Microsoft Word

app = labstats.get_app(app)

>>> Neat Word Processing

Similarly, lists of results may be changed on the LabStats instance between the time it is first requested and when you ask for more data. To reduce the risk of this causing issues for you, set your Limit to an appropriate value and request as many results as you need quickly after requesting the list. For example, if you will use an entire list of applications, request and then fill the list immediately:

apps = labstats.get_applications()
[__ for __ in apps]

This list comprehension iterates through every value in the list and does nothing with it, filling the list. Whenever the list is used after this point, each result is pulled from memory rather than from the REST API.

The After ID

Calls which return an AfterIDPaginatedList take an after_id argument. This argument is used in the REST API’s pagination, but you can also use it in limited cases. The after_id says “I would like all of the objects which have an ID greater than this one.” In other words, if you pass 1001, you’ll get objects with ID 1002 and up. If you don’t have an object with ID 1002, you’ll receive the next smallest ID after 1001.